IPL which is Intense pulsed light therapy is taken for enhancing the colour as well as texture without doing any surgery. Although due to sunlight there could be some kind of damage which is regarded as photoaging. The affordable ipl service Singapore provides quality services.
It is usually seen on the hands, face, chest as well as neck. This therapy might help you if you have brown splotches as well as red skin due to certain health conditions. The affordable ipl service Singapore uses light energy for targeting a particular colour in the skin. After the skin is properly heated your body would be free of all the unwanted cells that would heal the thing which you are being treated for. Irrespective of lasers an IPL device gives out more than a single wavelength of pulsating light. At the same time, different ranges of skin conditions can be treated.
How does it help?
After IPL therapy you might look younger since the tone of your skin becomes more even. Because the light does not have any effect on other issues you would get better rapidly. Although most of the people who have light brown skin or pale skin take this. Some of the things which can be treated through it are as follows:-
- Brown spots
- Acne
- Stretch marks
- Birth Marks
- Age spots
- Hormonal changes
- Dark spots
- Wrinkles
- Discoloured skin
- Scars
- Freckles
How effective is IPL therapy?
It is highly recommended since it is quite effective and it gives trusted results. The treatment includes the following:-
#1. Redness
After taking one or three treatments most people get rid of broken blood vessels by taking light therapy. Almost 50%-75% is healed through it. They are completely healed after taking IPL therapy. New veins might start building up.
#2. Laser Therapy
Most people’s faces flush because of rosacea then it is recommended to undertake laser therapy. Although you should take if:
- You are under 40 years of age
- Your condition is either quite severe or moderate
#3. Damage by sun
The brown spots as well as redness which is because of ultraviolet rays can be healed by it not, if not completely then 70% of it.
#4. Removal of hair
People having light skin as well as dark hair get the most advantage. Since it wouldn’t work that well for people having dark skin or blond hair.
This therapy is quite effective and is trusted by the patients who have had it in the past.